Meet with Mo Mo – Yangon Zoo

Can't wait to see Mo Mo?? 🐘🥰

So, there is a special “Meet with Mo Mo Tour” program for Mo Mo lovers who miss Mo Mo and get to meet with Mo Mo. “Meet with Mo Mo Tour” program package includes the following services Entrance fees Buggy Service One basket of food for Mo Mo It costs only 30,000 Kyats and a tour package can accommodate up to 6 people. Although the Yangon Zoo has not reopened yet, visitors with the “Meet with Mo Mo Tour” package will have to follow the guidelines of the Ministry of Health when visiting. We would like to invite you all to include this Tour program. 🤗

For this "Meet with Mo Mo Tour" program, Mo Mo lovers must pre-booking by ringing Yangon Zoo at 09 682011170, 09 953477763 during office hours.

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